Fire Sprinklers and Their Role in Fire Prevention
7/8/2020 (Permalink)
Believe it or not, fire sprinklers play a leading role in lowering the damage to your property.
There is a good chance you have seen several movies where just a bit of smoke triggers all the sprinklers in a building to go off. People start running around, quickly gathering their belongings to avoid getting drenched by the sprinklers.
But did you know that smoke doesn’t even trigger sprinklers? Sprinkler systems are activated by heat, one sprinkler at a time. Most fires only need one to two sprinklers to be put out.
You also might think that putting in a fire sprinkler system is the same as choosing water damage instead of damage from the fire. This is a take on the above myths, that sprinklers are activated by smoke and that they all go off at the same time. If this were the case, these systems could do more harm than good.
The smart engineers who made these systems, fortunately, made them to lower the damage to your property from smoke, fire, and water. For over two centuries, fire sprinkler systems have been helping put out fires and have been tremendously improved upon over the past years. Early versions were unreliable and caused a lot of damage from water.
Today, sprinkler systems are known to lower deaths and property loss by over sixty-five percent. Since each head of the sprinkler is triggered automatically by temperatures specific to fires, just one or two of them can extinguish or contain a fire to the room it began in rather quickly and cause a small amount of fire damage.
Also, since sprinklers use around six times less water than a fire hose, they are less harmful to your property than the fire department visit will be.
If you do experience fire damage to your home or business, do not hesitate to call the fire restoration experts at SERVPRO of West Erie County. (814) 806 1987
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